About us

About Astrologer Rishi

No.1 Famous Indian Astrologer in New York USA

Astrologer Rishi has been practising astrology for variety of clients throughout the world mostly through referrals than any kind of commercial advertisement. His mathematical/analytical capabilities as an engineer, knowledge of astrology coupled with his software skills to create custom tools for analysis/research has made him an unique astrologer. His passion for Jyotisha had also led him to pursue deep levels in Hindu Astrology through the guidance and blessings of his Guru in the States.

Astrologer Rishi is generally interested in consulting for the people living outside India, where the availability of knowledged and experienced astrologers, is minimal. For any questions or concerns, please contact us at +13476914291. You can also send us an email at astrologerrishi99@gmail.com, We will respond to your message as soon as possible!

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